The Rotary Club of Dover was honored to present another Student of the Month award to Dover Middle School 5th grader, Jasmine Hassey. Jasmine is a kind and caring student and well involved in her school and helping other students and teachers. She is one to always ask if she can assist them when they need help in studies or with opening a door. The Rotary Club surprised Jasmine as she and the other students of her team thought that the Rotary Club was there to make a presentation about Rotary. It was fun to see her smile as her parents were there to congratulate her, as well as her twin brother Sabastian. Congratulations Jasmine!
Photo: (l-r) Rotarian Melissa Lesniak, Jasmine, Jasmine’s mom, dad, and twin brother, Sabastian, and Rotarians - Cate Rafferty, Nick Pellman, and Gregg Dowty